While we know you’re not exactly looking forward to your exams,
we know you’ll definitely be looking forward to VUWSA’s Stress Free Study Week!

Stress Free Study Week Trimester One

4-7 June*
(not on Monday, as it’s a holiday)

Study Week feel as if it's come out of nowhere? Supermarket become an impossible trek?
Luckily VUWSA is here to lend a hand with FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH ALL WEEK.

With fresh brews from Coffee Supreme and hot, vegan-friendly lunches from Krishna Foods,
we'll have your free breakfast and lunch sorted across all campuses!

Breakfast will be served daily from 9am-11.30am
Lunch will be served 11:30am-1.30pm (or earlier if we run out)

Take a break from the books to come chat, snack and sip with us. We'll be serving up across all campuses:

Te Aro, VS125
Kelburn, VUWSA Office, Student Union Building
Pipitea, Rutherford House, Mezzanine level