Need somewhere to store your stuff on campus?
All students can use VUWSA campus lockers, which provide storage and security for your personal items on Campus.
If you think this is a better idea than lugging your textbooks to and from uni every day, Just pick a free locker and help yourself.
Lockers are located at the following locations:
Maclaurin, basement area by Lecture Theatre 2
Cotton, opposite Cotton 122
Cotton, outside Cotton 145
Murphy, between Murphy 421 and 422
Murphy, outside Murphy 221
Hugh McKenzie, Level 0 close to elevator
New Kirk, Level 2, opposite New Kirk 203
Student Union Building, Level 1
Law Common Room, for LAW students, these are managed by VUWLSS and we have been told they are available on a first come first served basis
Free for enrolled students
You must provide your own padlock.