Use our free advocacy service
We all need someone who can support us. Our advocacy service is professional and confidential. We are 100% independent from the University, which means the advice which we provide will always be in your best interest, and won’t be influenced by any university source.
We help many students a year, and we’re here to help you.
What we can do:
help you understand your options, rights and responsibilities
help you raise an an issue or make a complaint
facilitate communication, mediate disputes, problem-solve
assist you in appeal procedures
prepare you for meetings and even attend them with you
advocate on your behalf
refer you to the best services to help
Contact us if you:
feel you've been treated unfairly, or think a university policy or rule has been applied poorly or unfairly to your situation or circumstance.
are seeking information or referrals about non-academic issues affecting your studies like employment disputes, finances and tenancy problems.
want to clarify your options, rights or responsibilities
need to understand which policies or procedures apply to your situation
need someone to advise on any problems between yourself and another member of the University community
are appealing a grade or making another academic decision
have been harassed or are feeling unsafe on campus.
Need help with something?
Connect directly with our confidential advocacy service by filling the form below.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to O-Week this week (17th-21st Feb), Advocacy may take longer than usual to respond to you. If you need urgent support regarding a University Issue, we recommend contacting SICR Otherwise CAB or Community Law may be able to help. In emergencies, please call 111.
Pūtea Āwhina/Hardship fund
All students pay a levy to the Hardship Fund, which allocates money to financially troubled students through an application process.
Grants are decided via the Hardship Committee on a weekly basis after your appointment with a Student Financial Adviser. Successful applicants are notified on the next Wednesday after their appointment.
For more information:
Website: VUW Hardship Fund
If you need help making ends meet, VUWSA can help out with the food side of things: