President: Marcail Parkinson

Marcail Parkinson (She/her)

Kia ora it’s me, Marcail! 

I’m in the middle of studying a Bachelor of Arts in art history and international relations but this year I’m taking a break to be your prez for 2024.  

I’m here to amplify your voice, ensure your welfare is a top priority, and advocate for a transformative student experience. This year I look forward to working with our 2024 VUWSA exec to bring you a myriad of events and workshops while also making sure the university keeps students front and center in all decision making. Feel free to say hi if you see me around!

Academic Vice President: Pierson Palmer

Pierson palmer (he/him)

Kia ora, my name is Pierson and I'm the AVP for 2024!

This year the education team will be working hard to ensure Vic puts you first. We'll push back against cuts and do our very best to try and keep the content in lectures and tutorials as high quality as possible. We're also pushing to get AI integrated into Vic so you can supercharge your study and keep up with the fast progression of the technology.

If you are having issues on the academic side of Uni don't hesitate to come have a chat!

Welfare Vice President: Liban Ali

Liban ali (he/him)

My name is Liban Ali, and I'm here to ensure that your student experience at Victoria University is not only memorable but also full of support and well-being.

As your Welfare VP, my mission is to create a campus environment where every student feels heard, valued, and empowered. Whether you're facing challenges, celebrating victories, or simply navigating the ups and downs of university life, I'm here for you. Together, we'll foster a sense of community and inclusivity that extends beyond the lecture theatres.

I understand the importance of well-being in academic success, and I'm dedicated to implementing initiatives that prioritise your mental and physical health. From organising wellness workshops to advocating for student resources, my goal is to enhance your overall university experience.

Feel free to reach out to me with any concerns, suggestions, or even just to chat! Let's make 2024 a year of growth, support, and memorable moments.

Engagement Vice President: Hana Pilkinton-Ching

Hana pilkinton-ching (she/her)

Kia ora, I'm Hana. I grew up in Tītahi Bay, and this year I'm wrapping up my BA majoring in Development Studies and Māori Studies. I am your Engagement VP for 2024, after two years as the Campaigns Officer. This year I’ll be focused on supporting student political action. I’ll continue our work on the Free Fares campaign, Study Wage for All campaign, and more broadly look at how we can tautoko action for climate justice, Tiriti justice, and student liberation in Aotearoa.

Treasurer/Secretary: Alyssa Fa’afua

Alyssa Fa’afua (She/her)

Kia ora, my name is Alyssa! I am the Treasurer-Secretary for 2024, and from Tāmaki Makaurau. I am currently studying towards a conjoint degree in commerce, and science. Most of my mahi is focused on the admin/finance aspect, and within that specifically, I am focusing on advocacy, collaboration, and support for this year. That being said, I will be out of the office for other kaupapa. Feel free to say hi whether I’m in or out of the office, and if you have any ideas, I’d love to hear them! Ngā mihi nui :)

Sustainability Officer: Patrick O’Connor

patrick o’connor (he/him)

Kia ora, my name is Patrick O’Connor and I am towards the tail-end of pursuing a major in Political Science. I am honoured to be representing VUWSA as the Sustainability Officer, and understand the urgent dedication required to address the worsening climate crisis for sustainable student life and the planet.

Alongside direct environmental action, to me this includes involvement in student-led campaigning for a higher quality of life. I have been involved so far with groups such as Free Fares, Study Wage for All and Students Against Cuts and fully understand the road to long-term sustainability is inherently political.

Campaigns Officer: Sandy Taing

sandy taing (she/they)

Kia Ora! I’m Sandy and I’m your Campaigns Officer for 2024. I’m a Chinese-Cambodian born and raised in Aotearoa. Proud product of the 'Wellingtonification' phenomenon of getting progressively more ‘political’ with every year I live here (alongside various hair colour changes, piercings, tattoos and bleached eyebrows much to my parents' horror). As Campaigns Officer, I’m calling out the bullshit in our system and helping you feel like you have a say. My priorities for 2024 are anti-racism, universal student allowance, student activism empowerment and climate change. If you’ve got an issue you’re angry about, I’m your gal.

Equity Officer: Josh Robinson

Josh robinson (he/him)

Kia ora, I’m Josh, your Equity Officer for 2024! 

I am a second year Law and Bachelor of Arts student majoring in Public Policy and minoring in Political Science. This year I’ll be advocating and organising events that promote equity, inclusivity, and whanaungatanga here at Te Herenga Waka. I’ll be giving particular focus to the cost of living’s effects on our disadvantaged minority groups, as well as student poverty universally, and making sure these issues are at the forefront of university decisions. Hope to see you around O-Week and if you need any help give us a shout!

Clubs and Activities Officer: Lupeoaunuu Vaai

Lupeoaunuu Vaai (she/her)

Lupe is the 2024 Clubs and Activities Officer, and is focused on facilitating for students in the clubs and activities space.

In her Clubs role, she has a close relationship with Recreation Services and works to ensure that clubs on campus are well supported and have access to facilities and resources that help develop a vibrant campus on campus.

In her Activities role she organise activities and events across all VUW campuses, as delegated by the Executive and works to assist student groups on campus in organising and running activities.

Education Officer: Alison Winstanley

Alison Winstanley (she/her)

Kia ora! I’m Alison, your Education Officer — I deal with all things involving learning and studying. I'm in the final year of my LLB and BA, double majoring in Media Studies and Philosophy. Entering university can be daunting but I’m here to make that process easier! I also tackle evolving education issues, like managing AI and ensuring online learning is effective and accessible. My priorities are making your voices heard and helping you get the most from your education at Te Herenga Waka. VUWSA are student advocates, we work for YOU. So please contact me (or chat to me around campus) with your/any questions or feedback, big or small. Looking forward to meeting you all! :)