Our Admins were caught napping and the page you were looking for can not be found!
This could be for a number of reasons, such as:
There is an error in the URL you entered. Please check the URL and try again.
The page you are looking for has been moved or deleted.
It’s waiting for the University Wifi to load.
As the most under-funded student association in Aotearoa, we are simply not funded to display the page.
It’s been accused of plagiarism and penalised under the Student Conduct Statute.
It’s dropped out of university due to the ridiculous cost of living in Wellington.
The latest round of cost cutting has seen it made redundant.
It’s been evicted because its landlord's children have decided to move to Wellington.
We quite likely forgot to push the Publish button - oops soz.
Or maybe you were looking for our Error 404 page, in which case - congratulations!