In 2025 we have one position up for grabs in our March by-election.

Got a mind for campaign running? Want to be involved on the ground with logistics?

Get nominated for our Campaigns Officer role.


Make sure you vote for the executive you want representing you! 

Keep an eye out on VUWSA’s social media. They will be your main source of info on who the candidates will be and what they stand for. Then it's up to you to elect who you want to represent your interests to the university and local and national governments. 

Every year, students can vote online or by paper ballot at the VUWSA Kelburn reception. Voting dates will be advertised ahead of time on the VUWSA website, campus poster boards, social media channels and in Salient magazine.

Results are announced on the VUWSA social media accounts.

Wanna know more about the job? 

There's so much that goes into being part of the VUWSA executive including the fun stuff like VUWSA-run events, debates and forums, and the not-so-dynamic board and committee meetings discussing the really serious uni stuff.

So you know what you're signing up for make sure you check out the requirements of the position you're interested in! 

For job descriptions, click here.