VUWSA statement

On 26 August 2022, VUWSA released a statement referring to Dr Barbara McKenzie. The statement concerned the VUWSA Mayoral Candidates’ Debate and the decision to exclude Dr McKenzie from participating for several reasons. It has come to our attention the comments made in our statement may have been objectionable.

VUSWA continuously strives to ensure that Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington is a physically and emotionally safe and welcoming place for all communities, including those that are already marginalised. Often, those marginalised communities include racial/ethnic minorities and our rainbow community (specifically transsexual and transgender people in this instance). VUWSA will continue to advance that fundamentally important goal.

Occasionally, in our passion to champion inclusion and safety, we may use words/phrases that others find offensive. Here, Dr McKenzie has objected to our use of the terms; racist, transphobic, hate, extremist, bigot[ed], misinformation, disinformation and mal-information, and dangerous and harmful.

VUWSA acknowledges that Dr McKenzie is legally entitled to her own opinions and to share them (provided such sharing does not breach the Human Rights Act 1993). VUWSA does not, in any way, support or share the opinions espoused by Dr McKenzie. However, VUWSA apologises for any hurt Dr McKenzie has reported experiencing as a result of our 26 August 2022 communication.